Wednesday, January 22, 2014

13 & Counting....

January 20 was my birthday and I turned 13!! On January 20, 2001 I was born again!  As I reflect on the last 13 years I thought it would be good to make a list, so here are 13 things (these are not in any particular order and this is not a comprehensive list, but rather some things I think will encourage and challenge your faith) I have learned since I put my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior:

13.  Jesus is the only perfect person.  Everyone else will, at some point, fail me, and I will fail them.  I must embrace failure and the mess that is relationships.  Hebrews 4:15

12.  I can't do it on my own.  Without Jesus, I am nothing.  With Jesus, however, I can do anything!
Phillipians 4:13

11.  Self-centeredness is the root of all grief.  When I think about me, whether good or bad, it always causes problems.  Staying focused on Jesus is the key.  James 3:16

10.  Words really do have the power of life and death.  I choose to speak life.  Proverbs 18:21

9.  Being forgetful is a good thing.  God has forgotten all of my sins, so if I want to follow his example I should not only forgive, but forget others sins against me.  Hebrews 8:12

8.  God wants relationship with me, not results.  Results will follow relationship.  Relationship comes from time in the Word, prayer, singing praise, being thankful, etc.  John 10:14-16

7.  Success is knowing God and doing what He tells me.  Success is not being the best at my particular occupation.  John 17:3-4

6.  I can know God's will and He wants me to know it.  Romans 12:2

5.  I can be friends with Christians with different beliefs than me.  Don't major on the minors.  Romans 14:19  1 Cor 13:2

4.  God wants me to be hopeful (having a confident expectation) about the future, and He wants me to prosper spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Jeremiah 29:11  Jeremiah 33:6  Psalm 103:3

3.  Jesus was victorious over Satan in his resurrection and delegated to me authority over all of Satan's power in my life.  Luke 10:18-19

2.  People are not crazy just because they speak in tongues.  I grew up thinking that, but they aren't.  It's in the Bible.  Many of the things you will find in scripture, the world would say are crazy.  So I am fine with being crazy.  Mark 16:17  1 Cor 14:1-25

1.  It really is better to have the Holy Spirit than to have Jesus with me in the flesh.  Jesus said it himself, and when I finally realized the awesomeness of being filled with the Holy Spirit, my life was changed forever.  John 16:7

I know from experience that not everyone will agree with me on all of these.  These are revelations the Holy Spirit has given me as I read the Word, and things I have learned from failing miserably as I walked in my flesh.  If you disagree with me, we can still be friends (see #5).  My prayer for you is that as you study God's Word, He will give you wisdom and revelation to know Him better.  That He would flood your heart with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given you, that you are His holy possession.  I pray that you can understand the incredible greatness of God's power in you, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him on the throne at God's right hand!

Have a blessed day!

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