Monday, July 16, 2012

Your True Identity

Recently I lost my wedding ring.  I've been married to my smokin' hot wife for 10 years, and I've only taken my ring off a handful of times and only momentarily.  I don't even remember taking it off, but somehow while I was doing some painting this past weekend I lost it.  It felt so strange to not have it on.  It was like part of me was missing.  That ring identifies me as belonging to my wife.  It says I'm a married man.  I'm taken.  I chose her.  She chose me.

There are many such things in our lives that we place our identity in.  Some of them are good, and some are not so good.  If you are believing something about yourself that does not line up with the Word of God, then it is not the truth about you.  The Bible says if you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that you have been crucified with Him and you no longer live, but Christ lives in you (Galatians 2:20).  If Christ lives in you, then your identity is in Him.  How rawesome is that!!!!

Have you ever felt rejected, insecure, and insignificant?  I know I have.  The truth is, though, that to believe those things about yourself is to believe the lies of the enemy.  You see, having put your faith in Christ, you are Accepted, Secure, and Significant.  God says he chose you before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight (Ephesians 1:3-6)!!  Wow!  It says in John 15:15 that Jesus calls us friend!  In Romans 8:28-39 we learn that nothing can separate us from Gods love, and that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose.  In Ephesians 2:10 is says you are God's workmanship; that he created you.  You are His masterpiece, and you are priceless!  It says He created good works for you to do already!  He loves and believes in you so much that He already knew how rawesome you are and prepared things for you to use your rawesomeness to bring glory to Him and show his love to others! 

So you see, God's word clearly shows that He loves you, you are accepted, He is your security, and you are significant.  If it is hard for you to believe these things are true about you, its because you have not been renewing your mind with the truth.  You will be transformed and your faith will be activated if you read the Word; but the Word cannot transform you sitting on your shelf collecting dust.  You want faith to always trust that you are accepted, secure, and significant?  Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the words of Christ (Romans 10:17).

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