Respect means an attitude of high regard. If only Adam and Eve had an attitude of high regard for God's authority, we would still be living in world free from the effects of sin and death. However, the first Human Beings were deceived by Satan into thinking that God's authority was not for their benefit. They lost their high regard for God and what He had commanded them. Satan manipulated what God had said to deceive Adam and Eve, and they fell for it. It was only after it was too late that they realized God's command to not eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was for their protection.
I look around and see the same thing happening still today, and it is only getting worse. So many people have a lack of respect for those in authority over them because they have been drinking the devil's fruit juice. They have been believing his lies that what they want for themselves is always best, and that no one else should be able to tell them what to do or how to do it. I heard a story about someone recently that was unemployed because they had quit their job because they didn't like being told what to do! Really? Are you kidding me?? It blows my mind to hear people saying things like that, but really its no different than what happened in the garden. When people don't submit to their earthly authorities, they are really rejecting God's authority. Paul clearly tells the Romans to submit to their authorities, and I can only assume he did so because some had a lack of respect for those in authority over them. They did not realize authority was for their benefit.
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 2So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. Romans 13:1-2 NLT
When we refuse to submit to our authorities on earth, it shows our heart of selfishness. It shows that we don't want anyone else telling us what to do. We are going to make our own decisions because only we know what is best. I have been guilty before of thinking I knew what was best for myself. Heck, most every teenager I have ever met has thought this at some point! James 3:16 (NLT) warns us agains selfishness:
For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.
The problem, I think, is that most people do not really respect and honor God's authority and the authority of His Word. They have a head knowledge of God, but not a heart relationship with Him. They don't realize His authority is for their benefit. To think we do not need to be under authority is really to think we are better than Jesus Christ. Even Jesus was under authority.
I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it.50And I know his commands lead to eternal life; so I say whatever the Father tells me to say.” John 12:49-50 NLT
Why would Jesus submit to His authority, His father, but we often think we do not need to? So often we forget that God's authority is for our benefit. It is for our protection. It is for our good. When you know God well enough that you trust Him, then you are able to submit to His authority. When you are able to submit to God's authority, then, and only then, are you able to submit to those in authority around you. Jesus said He knows God's commands lead to eternal life. God loves you, and His commands are for your benefit. Don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking God is trying to limit you. Any limitations he places on your life are for your protection. Just like how I make my young children wear a helmet when they ride their bikes. They didn't like it at first because they didn't think they would ever crash, but I had some wisdom that they did not have. The helmet really isn't a limitation at all, but rather a safety measure to protect the children I love as they ride their bikes in freedom!
God loves you even more than I love my children. More than you love your children. He want's to protect you, but you must submit to His authority. His authority is for your benefit. He has given us freedom in Christ. There is freedom in authority. That is the truth, and the enemy wants to steal it from you. Don't drink any more of the devil's fruit juice. It leads to death.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 NIV